Thursday 9 June 2011

sighs. the blog seems dead and boring:(( okay nevermind that i'm adding new stuffs into this blog maybe this or next week. video recipes? HAHA i don't know, maybe just recipes with pictures. you know... the less troublesome method! cause if i need to create video it means i need to talk and i think everyone will think im crazy since  i have to tape it myself and do everything! HAHA. 

but what is the most wanted recipe for now?

sand snail.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Lesson Two!

Shortcuts... are they a better thing? I don't know. In baking i think everything should be done step by step, don't start throwing everything into the mixer... And Premix... i don't support them cause they always tend to be too sweet. 

I learnt something new about spongecake today... After trying out a lot of strawberry shortcake. I support one store i found at takashimaya. around $6-8 a per piece (can't remember the price) the cake doesn't look that great but the texture... Excellent! It's the cotton-y soft type and it's not too sweet. Finally found the sponge i totally love.

Okay so after finding the texture... Now is to find the recipe... Have been trying alot of sponge recipes. and the lastest findings... adding vinegar into baking powder... I know it sounds weird but i found it on the net. HAHA. tried adding it into the sponge, i think just a few more adjustments it should be successful:DD

Monday 30 May 2011

Just ignore the color and look of this picture, shouldn't even post it! HAHA.
but its quite yummy and everyone should try! BEST THING! It only took around 15mins.

Yeah!! yum yum thing. The only problem was the pudding haha, it was all squashed cause i was too lazy to cut it up so i just chopped HAHA...
i think there is something wrong with the lighting and angle.
i shall post the recipes another day.


Wanted to make advocado drink (something like a milkshake) so i was making it as usual... meanwhile my mum was frying sweet potatoes so i went to snack on it while making the drink. Suprisingly the combination of both was AWESOME! Didn't know potatoes and advocadoes go hand in hand, like a marriage made in heaven! HAHA, so here's a picture of it :) yummmm yummm  yummm.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

this sucks!! 

im stupidly tempting myself. 
im serious.
suppose to be on a diet,
i tried making churros, korean tunghun, doughnuts.

damn pissed though..
cause my doughnuts are a complete disaster.
dont even know what they are...
but its edible...

any good doughnut recipes?
Love, sandsnail

Wednesday 4 May 2011

still at my udders and awfully chocolate cravings!

Butterscotch white chocolate block is a must try.

Ate famous amos cookies for snack,
i don't really fancy it though...
i get sick of it very fast..
no idea why...

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Sago Gula Melaka with coconut milk

The picture above was just a google seach, couldn't find the exact one. This is an old school peranakan dessert i think. I tried it that day at nex's ding tai fung. The sago wasn't overcooked (like how most sago are clumpy and too soft), and the gula melaka wasn't too sweet and the coconut milk was just right. Am gonna make it either today or tomorrow, depends on when i can find gula melaka. Gonna try jamie teo's recipe! Hope it turns out goood! :P

watched a taiwan variety that was teaching how to make desserts.
but after watching it...
it didn't really appeal me.

dont know why,
but they were making desserts that were more to the chinese type;
deep frying and malted sugar..
sounds yummy but not for me.

But i think this is because im into butterscotch cake now.


suppose to be on a diet,
but seems like im over it,
cake comes first...

really want to know how to make that cake!
so next week HEHEHE...
i shall test the recipe!

love, sand snail.

Friday 29 April 2011

Baking Lessons No1


haha! i don't know is it me or the toaster,
but ain't toasters suppose to be the simplified version of ovens??

don't know why after i place my molten lava cakes into the toaster,
after a few minutes,
it was smoking!!!!

I mean the toaster was smoking!!! 

i think i was suppose to turn it off,
but i opened the door and closed it,
and the freaking smoke covered the whole kitchen!!

I had to open the kitchen door and turn on the fans to get rid of it!!
plus the smell was terrible!!!! 

but surprisingly... 
molten chocolate cakes works out best in toasters!!!
i'm freaking serious..
it will never over cook:D

so i'm debating,
should i do that again?
but i'm worried i might cause a fire alarm or something...

Love, sand snail


went out with POT-PEH AND BABY POT yesterday.
my experience...

Maybe because we ate too much alcohol ice creams,
so we were a little high!
we cam whored 300 over pictures!!

the taxi uncle dropped us at Macdonald...
nothing bad right?!

we walked from macs all the way to lagoon!!!
seriously, i haven't walk such a distance after sec1? 
can't remember!

my legs were damn jelly after that walk!!! 

here's some things we ate!!!!

baileys and rum and raisin!!
they taste well if eaten separately though. 
cause the rum and raisin's rum taste was overpowering! i couldn't really taste the baileys.

The baileys and bourbon ice cream was really addictive. I had 2 sccops of it!!! I would have bought a tub of it, but it wouldh ave melt :(  Rum rum raisin had too much rum... anyways will Def going back again soon! :)

tira-miss-u and waffles!!!

For those tiramisu lovers! this is a great choice but if you're a cheesy person, 
then this might be a little disappointing! but good for cheese haters but wanna try the taste of tiramisu!

the mascarpone cheese taste was very light, the coffee was almost not tastable,
but the cognac and brandy was quite strong!
rated one of the most alcoholic ice cream there!!! 
maybe because i tasted too many ice creams there till my tongue was a little bland! haha
plus the removal of wisdom tooth has cause swelling, so maybe my taste buds are not back!!! hahaha

durian lovers!!
the 'mao shan wang' ice cream IS A MUST TRY!
but to me... NAH!!!! it's scary!
i tried a mouthful and decided it's not my type! 
it was practically the whole durian in my mouth! seriously! 
freaking flavorful and no artificial essence or taste!
i swear it was the real thing!
seriously don't know why i go and find trouble sia!! haha

didn't try the wings though! 
I CAN"T BITE!! haha

Nvm, when you can bite then try it! hahaha the chilli rocks!

the carrot cake was not bad! 
better than some other places...
but it wasn't egg-y enough:((
i love egg-y carrot cakes,
the taste?! i can't really comment,
cause didn't taste the original!
this one in the picture i told the uncle EXTRA BLACK SWEET SAUCE AND EXTRA CHILLI,
it was freaking good!!! cause i love the extreme taste!! haha
contradicting right??
haha... im a fussy eater! the proportions must be right:( 
the taste was good but the egg killed it! HAHA
maybe next time i should tell him extra egg too!!!
BTW! they got an award got making CRISPY WHITE CARROT CAKE!!!! 
shall try it next time!!!

haha if everyone does it, i think the price will increase though hahahha!!

Yeah it's not bad but should have more eggs and less carrot cake! Haha i love it black! The darker, the better! (Y)

HAHA $10 oyster omelet!! Me and Pot shared!! Baby pot insisted on one on her own!
i have to say it's one of the best i have tasted! 
but there is one which is better; it used to be at haig road market! but after the renovation IT DISAPPEARED:((
so for now i shall say this is good and i will go back:DD

the only problem was the starch and egg proportion!
it was too egg-y,
it was crispy and all BUT something was lagging! the starch!
didn't have that slight texture of it! haha...
but everything was fresh!!! 
Told you!!! OMG another craving satisfied! K had 2 small bowls of chilli! Hahaha the uncle looked at me and asked me again if my order was right... i said : 1 $10 and 1 $4 one. He looked shocked. I mean can't i order for other people?! HAHA and so what if it's just us? Well, if the haig road one is ever found, i'll go and have a taste of it and see if it is really better :)
Isn't eggy better than starchy? Most stalls put too much starch and lesser eggs!!! Hahaa i love it! and i'm craving for it again!!!

HAHA! the three of us:)))

LOVE SANDSNAIL!!! (the purple words are mine!!!) 

Thursday 28 April 2011


SANDPOTS ADVENTURES! :)Awesome weather with awesome nature and a sand and a little pot.

Our logo done by sand on the sand! HAHA

Our shadows with the words ' L O V E', can you see it? haha


Right now, i'm craving for brownies!!! Those which are crispy on the outside and soft and moist on the inside! Having really bad cramps now though :/ food is the only way to make it better...haha i found a recipe though, will try it out soon! :) - potpeh

Wednesday 27 April 2011

i have a sudden craving for 

Why does my cravings always comes with a price:(
my cravings are special?

Never mind that!

Last week i was craving for cheap chicken rice,
totally emphasizing on the CHEAP,
but i think everyone didn't get what i meant.
I want the cheap kind of rice,
Went to find but seriously chicken rice at 5bucks?
doesn't taste like the one i wanted!
But guess where i found the one i wanted,
sadly, there were tons of mynahs and swallows which made dining totally annoying!
plus the heat, i think hawker centers really have no ventilation!!!
love, sandsnail

Well, MY cravings are just plain cravings. The defintion of craving is a sudden urge to eat/drink/do something, isn't it? HAHA my craving varies and changes really fast. I don't mind being a food critic actually, can eat (hopefully good food) and write about it. Yeah hawker centers should have air corn, i mean yeah there's food court, but usually hawker centers food are nicer then food courts. Well we can't get best of both worlds, can we?

Hunt One


our latest craze ice-cream and egg oyster omelet!!!

Can't wait for tomorrow since Pot guarantee that it's the best we can find for now!

Yup it really is!! Well, it's the BEST oyster omelette i've ever eaten YET. haha and udders here we come!! LIQUER ICE CREAM + LIQUER TOPPING = DRUNK. haha Can't wait!! :)

we are going for dinner remember!!!
don't lie flat on the table after udders!
i will just throw you there! haha

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Cafe cartel

This was taken about 4 years ago, so we can't remember how the food taste like but.... here are some OLD pictures of us! :)

White Dog Cafe

Mexican/buffalo wings? Can't remember. K seems to be ordering the same things everywhere she goes. haaha guess wanna taste which is nicer.  Can't remember the EXACT taste but the skin looks yummy! Potpeh rates : 7/10
Mushroom soup AGAIN by K, it was thick and creamy i remember. Potpeh rates: 7/10
The medium done striploin steak i ordered. It was okay but a bit too red and tough. I love those which are tender and soft with a tinge of redness. potpeh rates: 7.5/10 
Pork chops krystal ordered. We kinda shared ours, i have to say this is one of the best tasting pork chops i've eaten. They added pineapples which tenderised the pork and it was very juicy and tasty. Very succulent and tender as well. Two thumbs up! :) pot peh rates: 9.5/10
We all shared this chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream dessert. It was okay, tasted better ones before but i love chocolate cakes with chocolate inside nonetheless! potpeh rates : 7/10
We bought this cake from awfully chocolate to celebrate zann's birthday. It was pretty good, can't rememeber the actual name of it. Rich in chocolate and cream. potpeh rates: 8/10

Heaven's Loft

This was the second time we came to heaven's loft at Orchard Central to celebrate mich's birthday with zann,reshmin and krystal (desert fam), we 3 ordered this fish and chips. To my disappointment again, it wasn't as good as i expected it. Serving's kinda huge also! Potpeh rates: 5/10
This is the buffalo wings we shared, it was okay, tasted pretty much like normal buffalo wings. We shunned away from the sauce cause there was BLUE CHEESE IN THERE!!!!! EWWWWW. haha potpeh rates : 6/10
Krystal's dish. It was a proscuitto cream spaghetti. The linguni was nice but the proscuitto was a tad too salty for my liking. K loves salami so i guess she found it okay. Potpeh rates : 7.5/10

Mushroom soup that krystal HAS to order everywhere she goes. This was okay for me, not a huge fan of soup. Alot of cream though. potpeh rates : 6/10
This was K's mushroom soup the first time we came to heaven's loft. It looks different somehow, lighting?
The seafood pizza was the BEST dish there, sadly it was only till 5 or 5.30 so we didn't have it the second time. There were salmon, squid and OYSTERS(yum). The crust was really thin and crispy and cheese just goes well with everything. potpeh rates: 9/10
The calamari rings were so so, nice batter is indeed tough to make. However, the salsa and sauce were nice. potpeh rates: 7.5/10
Dessert for the Desert fam :) We shared this, forgot its name. It had a really long and funny name. HAHA but it was good, who doesn't love chocolates?! potpeh rates: 8/10

Judy's 21st BIRTHDAY CAKE!


our first time baking a marshmallow fondant cake! 
it should be a quite good attempt right? 
 Although i still think it looks like a 3year old birthday cake and we should have placed an elephant on it!!
SO CUTE!!!!! 
we wanted to place roses but me and baby pot kept remaking and remaking!
but seriously, after seeing how we make fondant...
i have second thoughts about eating the fondant! HAHA
     Love, Sandsnail

Am actually quite proud of this cake! First-time okay! Feels like some sort of an achievement. The roses would have been a much nicer pattern then the 'balls'! Haha anyway it was fun to make it. Most importantly, Judy loved it! I want to make more of fondant cakes!!! :)
- Potpeh

New york new york

We went to new york new york at downtown east with reshmin, krystal, zann and shouko ages ago. Can't remember who had the original fish and chips but the batter wasn't as good as expected. Nice fish and chips isn't easy to make! The best one i've had so far was the one at Changi Hawker Centre but it closed down already :( Should go for a food hunt once i get my license! Potpeh rates this dish a 5/10 (yes i'm strict) lol
If i didn't remember wrongly, sandsnail ordered this spicy fish and chips which weren't so spicy after all! Haha and the batter is the same as the original batter. Disappointment. Potpeh rates : 5/10.
We all ordered and shared this GIGANTIC ice cream, well you can't really go wrong with ice cream and chocolate sauces etc, it was okay :) Sharing with everyone was fun. Potpeh rates : 6.5/10
A zoomed in version of the HUGE ice cream which doesn't look that huge after it's been zoooomed.